Serving Deep Learning Models On AWS Lambda With Keras

Truly, we are living in the future. At Earshot we’ve been recently developing Deep Learning models using Keras, which has an awesome high-level API that sits on top of Tensorflow or Theano to enable rapid model development. As espoused in my previous post, we’re fans of AWS Lambda as a way to serve up machine learning models. So let’s make a good thing better and serve a Keras model on Lambda.

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Serverless Word2vec Models On AWS Lambda With Gensim

Does the idea of extracting document vectors for 55 million documents per month for less than $25 sound appealing to you? Me too. AWS Lambda is pretty radical. It uses real live magic to handle DevOps for people who don’t want to handle DevOps. At Earshot we’ve been working with Lambda to productionize a number of models, most recently a sentiment analysis model using word vectors and a neural net. Today we’re going to learn how to deploy your very own Gensim model on Lambda.

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